i am using maven 2 and i was not able to find the following dependencies: com.sun.jmx:jmxri:jar:1.2.1
I use eclipse Indigo. I installed from market place (Help -> MarketPlace...) Maven Integration for Eclipse. Everything is ok, but pom editor has only a few t开发者_运维知识库abs (Overview, Depedencies
We\'re using Maven 3 and I\'m facing a project that has JSP-files and also uses \"global\" JSP-files stored in a different project. This works nicely when using maven-war-plugin and webResources. All
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time,or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applic
I\'m trying to create a pom.xml which compile and run a program in scala. This project need some *.so libraries (gluegen-rt.so for example) to run. Theses files are located here : /usr/lib/jni/
I have a bit of a problem with Eclipse and Maven for a few months. After changing the pom.xml, Eclipse is losing all artifacts and getting this exception in my Maven console:
I have a directory structure something like this: base subdir1 subdir2 subdir3 subsubdir1 subsubdir2 subdir4
I\'m confused about how Archiva fully works. I understand that if we had a core set of dependencies, we could use Archiva as our local maven repo.
I am a newbie for maven and trying to convert an ant project to maven project. I am trying to acheive the same as in build.xml. I have build.xml that create 2 jar files and one war file which is bundl
I\'ve been doing this for all of the jar files that my Spring MVC project needs: call mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=vegetables -DartifactId=potatoes -Dversion=1.0 -Dfile=vegetables-1.0.jar-Dpack