How could I detect which version of PHP my PHP script requires? The general version like PHP5 or PHP4 could I know myself,
If I do the following command on my executable called \"version\", compiled on Fedora Core 11, I get this output
If I make a spring mvc application, what are the things I have to do to deploy the application? (say its a commercial application)
I\'m writing a Excel class using Microsoft.Interropt.Excel DLL. I finish all function but I have an error in my Destructor.
The title is just for teasing. :-) I know it isn\'t possible, but here is my problem. My app (a DLL, actually) uses Boost. It also uses an external API, which also uses Boost.
I am writing an excel class and i want to release this unmanaged object automatically. I\'m using IDisposable pattern and write Dispose methods.
By default, of cour开发者_运维百科se, Visual Studio creates separate bin folders for Debug and Release builds. We are having some minor issues dealing with those from the perspective of external depen
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Okay, PLEASE bear with my description of my situation: I have a Core Data model that (in a simplified description) includes a GridManager object.The GridManager holds a set of Grid objects (via a to-
I\'m making a iPhone App written in Objective-C using the Cocos2d game engine. I\'m using Xcode v3.2.1 with the 3.1.2 iOS. At this point I have always ran my project under Debug Configuration. When I