I\'m having a problem getting the BlendState on the graphics device to work properly and display the alpha blending correctly.
I\'m trying to get a simple effect to display using WebGL. Naturally, this means I\'m using the fragment shader language defined in the GLSL ES 1.0 specification.
I want to a draw a translucent image on a Delphi form, but for some reason it is not working. Here is the original PNG (border is semi transparent):
I am creating a custom button that needs to be able to glow to a varying degree How would I use these pictures to make a button that \'glows\' the diamond when it is pressed,and have this glow grad
In Java\'s AWT, alpha (opacity) is expressed using values from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). How do I correctly blend alpha values, e.g. t开发者_StackOverflowo implement a fad
I\'m trying to achieve the same effect in XNA 4.0 that this stackoverflow questioner was trying to get in XNA 3.1: namely, drawing a background, and on top of that a black mask with see-through \'cuto
I have made a lookup table that allows you to blend two single-byte channels (256 colors per channel) using a single-byte alpha channel using no floating point values (hence no float to int conversion
I am creating two render targets, both must share the back buffer\'s depth buffer, so it is important that I set them to have the same multi sampling parameters, however pDevice->CreateTexture(..) doe
I\'m trying to build code on an older iOS devices that have arm6 processors and support for only OpenGL ES 1.1. The function glBlendFuncSeparate crashes. I found this post on stackoverflow -
I have two mediaelements overlapping each other, on top of a static image. The media elements are each playing a different WMV file each with an alpha channel defined.