I use asp.net 4 and DataSets for accessing the database. There are two tables with one-to-one relationship in the database. It means that both tables have the same column as a primary key (say Id), an
I am trying this code to add new row to database, the new row is saved but when I close the program down, reopen it, the row has disappeared.
below is my code: myCommand = New SqlCommand(\"SELECT VisitorID,开发者_如何学编程 VisitorName, Skill FROM tblVisitor LEFT JOIN tblSkill ON tblVisitor.SkillID = tblSkill.SkillID\", myConnection)
I used this code: myCommand = New SqlComman(\"SELECT RackName FROM tblRack\", myConnection) myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)
I started to use DataSet in my ASP.net web app like 6 months ago. It is a beautiful tool, allow me to rapidly develop MVC application without having to do all the dirty works in DB connection/queries.
I\'m using the ODBC Microsoft Text Driver to load a csv file into the dataset to be displayed in the datagridview, the DGV has no columns in at present. I can load the file successfully but I encounte
I\'ve manually created some data adapters – using the auto-generated ones is not viable due to version incompatibilities, for a dataset made of a number of tables with the usual mixture of PK, FK con
I have a disconnected dataTable that contains a few records. I am using the following function to get the dataTable.
I have a problem in my co开发者_如何学Gode. I want to get the row count from my SqlDataAdapter if there are any rows.Maybe try dt.Rows.Count since that is a table and has rows.You were doing an assign
I\'m writing a small Windows form application in .NET 2.0. I have an OdbcDataAdapter has the Insert and Update statements specified like so.The select statement is also defined earlier in this code.