So, is it possible to create archive (/binary array?) ones on server side and then send it + run-time generated HTML page. I think it is. And wondering if there\'s any libraries for that. Client side
I\'m having problems building a project for archive which includes SQLCipher and OpenSSL. The project builds fine in the Simulator and the on my iphone but when building for Ad-Hoc distribution (usin
I have a folder which has many files and folders inside. I want to send that folder to a remote host over ftp. i think windows ftp client cannot do it, so i decided to archive all files (into some zip
is there an library or a simple way how to open a password protected ZIP archive in Android? I know there are different types of ZIP encryption. I would like to open the most simple one, create in Uni
Here is the directory structure of the folder I am trying to archive: DIR STRUCTURE HOME HOME/.abc HOME/FIRST
I\'m new to programming in iOS and I\'m trying to figure out what the widely accepted \"proper\" way to store objects in memory is?
I\'m using to handle CSS3 in IE. I put in the root, and I use behavior: url( in the css.
In my blog I have all of my posts sorted by date DESC.I use a paginator so that every paginator-page contains about 15 posts.I have also a right-side column where I have a link-list for all of the mon
sorry about the rather confusing title, but I tried to get in as much info as possible. Problem: I\'m trying to archive my iPhone app into an ipa file for OTA testing (via TestFlightApp) - so in X
I am trying to allow a user to click on a month and have the posts for that month be listed (sort of like doing a search, but without the search form).I want them to be able to just click the month na