Greetings and salutations, I am looking for information regrading design patterns for working with a large number of functions in C99.
I have a function which is meant to catch all the interrupt calls that will happen, But I cannot get any function to start at address 04.
Normally, in SBC running RTOS, it would be an easy task to write data/event logs onto an external media such as SD cards. However, in embedded systems that uses microcontroller, e.g. PIC microchips, h
I have a linker script which starts INCLUDE 18f14K50_g.lkr I want my interrupt service variables to go into the ACCESS bank. (My program\'s so small at the moment the whole lot can, but maybe in fu
I\'m interfacing a Rabbit 5760 CPU to a Bosch BMP085 sensor via I2C.Everything is fine except reading the temperature register is reading back 0xffff (see BP_FINISHTEMP case in switch).I can\'t see wh
I\'ve attached my code below (I\'m blinking a LED to be able to see that the loop is occurring BTW). I am not getting any data sent out over the UART, I have the Pic 16F913, and pin 17 is the output
I was wondering if there is a GCC C Compiler directive that allows me to determine the bit order for packing of a structure? Something to the likes of:
I am transmitting data from my PIC24H microcontroller over 460Kbaud UART to a bluetooth radio module.Under most conditions, this flow works just fine and the bluetooth module uses CTS and RTS lines to
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