I\'m kinda new to this topic so please be gentle ;) I\'m attempting to use a 3rd-party Health API called Dossia (http开发者_JAVA百科://dossia.org).
Ok, so I can use 开发者_如何学Pythondumpbin.exe /exports library.dll to find all methods in the dll.
I have some signed .ps1 script, I need to verify they are properly signed from a C# project, is开发者_如何学运维 there any algorithm or library to do this?
I am developing tool to make signature test be easy, already i succeeded to pull out signature开发者_开发百科 from dll files using .net C# reflection.
I need to validate a signature for a callback from ankoder.com who provide the following description:
A contrived example: signature A = sig type t val x: t end signature B = sig type t val y: t end signature C = sig include A B end
After some goggling I found some usual answers for this question, like: How to load an RSA key from a PEM file and use it in python-crypto
I\'m going crazy! I\'m trying to upload the binary of my first application but I have always the same error!
I am trying to verify a root/self-signed certificate by trying to decrypt the signature with a known/trusted Public Key, then checking if the decrypted开发者_StackOverflow中文版 hash matches the origi
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