Hi I\'d like to convert an image to binary ones and noughts and then use the ones and noughts开发者_如何学C as jquery variables so one var 0 = $(#on).attr(\'checked\', true) var 1 = $(#on).attr(\'chec
I have to convrt a double to other using a converter and a parameter: This is my XAML stub: Converter={StaticResource ToOtherDoubleConverter}, ConverterParameter=-1/2
I\'m having issues with a converter i\'m using to convert between a string and our timeformat. The converter itself works fine and is implemeneted like this:
I have the need to adjust the margin of my treeviewitems according to the height of the parent treeviewitem.I tried to add a converter to the stackpanel in the hierarchicaldatatemplate but it doesn\'t
I have created a custom Converter in JSF 1.2 to convert Date objects. The dates have a very particular format. I have implemented my converter using the core Java SimpleDateFormat class to do the conv
开发者_JS百科Can anyone suggest any open source linux program for converting .wav files to flash format for RTMP streaming? Does RTMP support any format other than flash?Flash Media Server supports th
Is it possible to bind to a ConverterParameter in Silverlight 4.0? For instance I would like to do something like this and bind the ConverterParame开发者_开发百科ter to an object in a ViewModel for i
I have a simple converter which checks if an object is equal to whatever parameter I pass it. My problem is that the converter parameter always gets passed as string and value always gets passed as ob
I have binding to Image.Source and TextBlocks. Also I have own convertor classes. <conv:StatusConvertor x:Key=\"statusConvertor\"></conv:StatusConvertor>
I need a script that converts plain text into HTML (eg like the one in reddit comments system). There are plenty of those out there, yeah, but I need one that could work with Google App Engine (and Py