I\'m trying to update an oracle database so that it\'s schema matches a second database exactly.In doing so I\'ve hosed something. I can\'t create or drop any object.
目录python 字符串切割 maxsplitpython字符串切割split和rsplit函数1. split(sep, maxsplit)2. rsplit(sep, maxsplit)总结python 字符串切割 maxsplit
珍_749 2022-05-17 05:16 莎士比亚?画家?我知道的世界著名的莎士比亚是一位伟大的剧作家、诗人。威廉·莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)开发者_JS百科英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧
I have a web service method I am calling which is 3rd party and outside of my domain. For some reason every now and again the web service fails with a gateway timeout. Its intermittent and a call to i
I currently have 2 schemas, A and B. B has a table, and A executes selects inserts and updates on it. In our sql scripts, we have granted permissions to A so it can complete its tasks.
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One can use the Oracle data pump import tool (IMPDP.EXE) to import one schema into another using the REMAP_SCHEMA option. However there is an issue in that triggers are not properly remapped. This lea
I want to declare a cursor on a table that does not exist. Of course, my procedure doesnt compile. This table is a temporary table, and is created by a pre process. It will exist on runtime, but at c
Here is my simple PL/SQL program: DECLARE CURSOR c1 is SELECT typ, specifikacia_typu, spz FROM Auta WHERE (substr(spz, 1, 2) = \'KE\' OR substr(spz, 1, 2) = \'KS\') AND ROWNUM <= 2;
The environment is Oracle 9 & 10.I do not have DBA level access. The problem is to verify that a specific column exists in a specific table, in another schema.