When I try and install MacPorts it complains \'Xcode is not installed, or was installed with UNIX Development (10.5+) or Command Line Support (10.4) deselected.\'
I have macports installed on one computer, and I was hoping to 开发者_开发问答just copy the entire /opt tree to another computer. Except, on the new computer (both are Intel Macs with Lion, so I am ho
I have开发者_开发知识库 installed MacPorts v2.0.3 on Mac OS Lion and trying to install git+svn via command
My python code uses GTK for some GUI and now i need to run some of it on OSX (10.6 Snow Leopard and 10.7 Lion). Unfortunately, unofficial pyGTK build crashes on window GTK windows resize, so i decided
When I paste the following text into IRB or PRY running under ruby-enterprise-2011.03, it takes 13 seconds.
Does Macports ha开发者_如何学Pythonve Ch and Cint (C interactive interpreters) as available ports? I can\'t seem to find them through port search.
I have used Macports to install Boost on my Mac. So far I\'ve been using the header-only parts of Boost for my iOS project and everything was fine.
I\'m using osx Lion and I installed Gcc44 through macport. I also selected that version by means of the command
Is it possible to install a port also if a dependency fails to build? I mean, I have to install t开发者_Python百科exlive and it requires a lot of dependency and one on those (py26-libxml2) fails to b
Using Macports, I\'ve tried to install: gdal, py27gdal, and gdal-grass.All so I can import gdal into python 2.7.2.