I\'m trying to write a simple NASM program for fun, but I can\'t seem to figure out how to write a for loop in it. With the following code, I get a segmentation fault. The following code is supposed t
I keep getting a segmentation fault error when running my code. Everything has compiled well, but I can\'t seem to get it to do what I want.The program is to ask the user to enter 3 integers, then ask
this is an extension to my previous post, here is the updated code, so far it will ouput the last number I inputed into the array, so it\'s not actually summing values yet
working on inverting my array, i have code already taht will print it out, i was thinking of creating a second array, storing it into it, then printing that one out, but is there an easier way?
working on inputing floating point values into an array, then adding them up and getting a sum so far i have this code for it, but my flag that checks to see if an input is 0 to exit the loop for ent
In a Linux environment, if I write some NASM code as follows: mov eax, 1 ; system call 1 - sys_exit mov ebx, 0
I can\'t seem to find a good reference for NASM x86 interrupts on a Linux system. For example, what is int 0x60 and how is it different from int 0x80?
Recently I found some simple source code of a bootloader.The following is the simple one stage boot loader
I made my own implementation of strlen in assembly, but it doesn\'t return the correct value. It returns the string length + 4. Consequently. I don\'t see why.. and I hope any of you do...
I\'m reading Paul Carter\'s pcasm book. It uses NASM, a C driver app that calls my assembly code, and a companion library that makes it easy to do basic I/O in assembly.