After doing a sort of a research through out the Internet(And here at Stackoverflow) - I\'m still struggling to decide which method is best for me to learn/use and dig more when programming in PHP.
I was wondering if there is an equivalent to the DAO style insert and update record code in C#. For instance, in access VBA, I could do an insert with something like this:
We have an app we maintain which is written in VB6 and uses the prehistoric DAO technology to do its database access. The database is in Sql Server 2008.
My application uses Hibernate to connect to SQL Server. I recently changed my DAO function that retrieves the count from one of the tables from \"return query.getResultList().get(0)\" to \"query.getSi
For one to one relationships things are easy. When it comes to one to many or many to many problems appear...
I read that when working with SQLite local database in Flex (no other framework) it is considered best practice to have a singleton data access object class.
News @Entity @Table(name = \"NEWS\") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = \"News.findAll\", query = \"SELECT n FROM News n\"),
Due to problems with DAO (see my previous question), I need to create an Excel VBA Recordset from an Access query and filter its results using a user-defined function.
What is the best way to perform bulk inserts into an MS Access database from .NET?Using ADO.NET, it is taking way over an hour to write out a large dataset.
I found this code for a generic DAO interface while browsing around: public interface GenericDAO<T, ID extends Serializable> {