I have a NSDictionary made up of the daily trend from twitter (made up of JSON). However there is a problem blocking my way. Before I can get to any data, I need to firstly get through th开发者_如何转
Suppose I have a NSDictionary with two sub collections of a NSArray and a NSDictionary: NSMutableDictionary *mkDict(void){
i think the title says all. I use some example code i found here but the file will not be created. - (id)init {
how can I do this? Basically I want to store RGB color values that can be retrieved in response to a color name. My C++ code uses boost unordered_map to do this:
Why do I g开发者_如何学JAVAet a Segmentation Fault when using a NO value in an NSDictionary?You can only put instances of objects in a dictionary, set or array.
I have a variable declared as NSDictionary. How can I copy it to an extern const NSArray variable? For example:
I have been looking through many sites and tutorials, and the Apple documentation, and still haven\'t found a solution: it seems to me that NSArray, NSDictionary and their mutable counterparts are not
This question already has answers here: 开发者_JS百科 Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Maximum amount of objects in NSArray
If I have a dictionary with the following key/value \"foo\"/\"开发者_JAVA百科bar\" and declared [dictionary setObject:@\"baz\" forKey:@\"foo\"]; would this replace the current key value pair with \"fo
Im using XML communication between Iphone and Java server. Using TBXml I parse incoming messages. Whats a good method to convert NSDictionary to xmlStri开发者_Python百科ng?This did the trick for me: