Hey there, I don\'t really understand how to access data passed via arguments in matlab to a mex-function. Assuming I have the \'default\' gateway function
The following code compiles successfully and returns the correct results when called the first time. Making the same call a second time, I get a segmentation fault error.
I have written the following code to use imresize function in mex file. #include \"mex.h\" void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray *prhs[])
My question is a possible duplicate of this: matlab mex files and C++ dll (windows), however not exactly.
I am trying to run FFTW code in a mex file.This is strictly for the purpose of development and testing.After some googling, I see that oth开发者_如何转开发ers have tried to do something similar and ha
I have a framework on a machine with lo开发者_如何学运维ts of RAM which produces MAT-files with one very large and specifically named matrix. The computation of this matrix is carried only once and ta
Hey people! I use a function of the opencv library with Matlab (2008), where I got a mexw32 file f开发者_运维百科rom. Unfortunately these don\'t work on a 64 Bit Windows 7 system anymore, where Matlab
I am trying to wrap some C code to access it with Matlab/Octave. The problem is 开发者_运维百科that the code has not been compiled with -fPIC, which seems to be necessary to wrap it with mex files. I
I almost have everything set up to use my WCF service over https. IIS application is up and running, I can read the svc and wsdl at localhost. So I went back to Visual Studio and tried to write a Clie
I experience a weird behavior when accessing my web services into a web browser and it leads to an exception while generating.