In Trac on Admin -> Plugins there is an option to install Plug-ins. Now this option expect you to upload an Python egg.
I am running Trac 0.12 for day to day SCM and trying to install Agilo on the same server for evaluation purposes.
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Is it possible to do something like using the trac module in Python in order to get a listing of all of the projects in a given directory? If possible it would be ni开发者_JAVA技巧ce to get things lik
Right now I\'m using Trac with multiple projects and have customized the project-listing template a bit, but 开发者_运维问答currently there are about 5 Trac projects, and I only want 4 of them to be s
I have trac installed with svn. I have different trunks of projects. I want to limit few users, so that they can only access one spec开发者_Python百科ific trunk whichever I define.
I developing program and i writing error handler, i want to do in her automate error ticket adding to trac webapge.
I am trying to find the best way to maintain a bug tracker and feature/upgrade requests for clients on web development projects.Ideally it would be an open source system we can have installed on a sub
I want to create a fully printabl开发者_高级运维e document in the trac wiki markup. For this I need the current date as text on the page.
I use Trac regularly in a team at work, as well as for my own project for the university. In both cases I have never felt the need to use the severity property for a ticket. I feel that by using the t