I need to register an user and after that I would like to call a <rich:popupPanel> for example to show the error or successful message with an icon.
I was working on combo box in rich faces 4.0. While doing so my requirement was to reduce the size of the combo box. I tried width and size style to reduce the size but it was not 开发者_如何学JAVAwor
I have a <code>rich:extendedDataTable</code>.Each row has a a4j:commandLinkas below. Table Page:
Using JBoss 6.0.0.Final, Richfaces 3.3.3.Final, MyFaces 2.0.6, facelets 1.1.15.B1 (a limitation of RF 3).
We included a page with ui:include. And when a button is clicked we want to rerender ui:included page too. Here is parent page;
I have a javascript function 开发者_如何学Cto run h: or a4j: commanButton. When javascript function is called, action button runs action but after that page is not redirected.
I wonder how I can programmaticly set rows in an ExtendedDataTable as selected from my backing bean. I need to edit a user in my web app. The user has some roles so what I want is that when the page i
I want to create dynamic tree in seam with using richfaces recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor.My entity classes is here ;
开发者_如何转开发Is there any way how to disable all skins RichFaces apply? They ruin my layout and override fonts, links,... In RichFaces 4.1 you can disable skinning by adding the following to your
I am using JSF 2.0 and RichFaces 3.3. In my View user will pich a date from a calendar. Tag used is <rich:calendar>. This is mapped in backing bean with Date object. However this field is option