Can rsync be done with a date filter, such that only files newer than some date are transferred? Right now I do rsync using an Applescript and it just backs up all of the files in a remote directory,
Anyone ever transferred large files with it? What is the main advantage over ftp and other methods? Sp开发者_高级运维eed? or slicingit keeps 2 directories in sync. so it\'s mainly useful if you need
I am desperetly trying to deploy my Symfony app with Rsync. I instally cwRsync and it somewhat works, at least SSH does. My app is located in E:\\xampp\\htdocs\\MyProject.
I use rsync to mirror a remote server. It is said that using a root password with rsync is dangerous, so I created a special rsync user. It seems to work fine,开发者_开发技巧 but cannot copy some file
I have 10 production servers, What will happen when : I still doi开发者_如何学运维ng rsync for file (A,B,C), meanwhile at the same time my friends also do rsync for file (D,E,F) to the same producti
I have a \"Data\" directory, that I rsync to a remote NAS periodically via a shell script. However, I\'d like to make this more efficient. I\'d like to detect if something has changed in \"Data\" bef
I just wrote a very simple Expect script for wrapping around rsync, but it seems to be giving me trouble.Basically, I am automating the SSH login prompt called from rsync.I also have to pass arguments
I\'m trying to figure out how if rsyncing files is atomic. I couldn\'t find any confirmation about it. Due to rsync being able to send only deltas, I was under the impression that it also updates only
I want to put command option of rsync into a variable so I can reuse it for other rsync commands. Here is what I tried but it didn\'t work.
I have problems with understanding the --blocking-io option in rsync. Here\'s the descripton from the man page: