i am trying to call a remote method to update page content via ajax/js. either i am too tired already or haml is not parsing the following code correctly to send the value of the query f开发者_如何学编
Hi i converting rails views from erb to Haml .The issue i faced is when use the form_for the haml throws theUNEXPECTED $end error. I am sure i did the space indentation well with in form_for .......Ev
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I\'m pretty new to rails and haml.. and I can\'t get this to work right. I have this partial (_head.html.haml):
I\'m building an app with Rails 2.3.4 and using script/generate controller home index to generate a controller and home page. I\'ve got Haml installed. I get an erb file:
I have the following small Sinatra application (I\'ve removed the extra unneeded code): helpers do def flash(args={})
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I\'ve run into a problem with my very simple Ramaze project.My project is identical to the prototype project that is generated from \'ramaze create mywebsite\', except that I\'m using Haml templates (
In your professional experience have haml & 开发者_高级运维sass proved to be useful? In which way?Haml is nice, and I use it a lot, but Sass is worth it alone, especially if you have to build comp
I have problem with <pre>, here is my code, and the screenshot is attached below. How to remove the indents?