I have been asked to check the public key against a known value in canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace ( a delegate ca开发者_如何学JAVAllback of NSURLConnection )
Is there a way to extract public key from private key in c#? Becouse if i do ToXMLString() then i can set if i want publ开发者_如何学编程ic key information saved with the private key. So now im thinki
Why there are multiple signatures in this value? Are these values the public key of the package? Can I uniquely i开发者_StackOverflowdentify a package using this signature instead of reading the file
I have a RSA cipher text c, the public key (e,n). (where c = m^e mod n) Now I also have开发者_JAVA技巧 known the plain text m should be either \"1234XXX\" or \"12345XXX\", where \"XXX\" is a 3 digit
I have been trying to connect from one EC2 instance to another using ssh public keys and have been having a very tough time.
Probab开发者_开发百科ly a simple question, but I am at a loss here... In github one can add a deployment key for each repository which only gives access to that single repository.
I am using ssh publickey authentication for my mercurial repository.So I have: [ui] ssh = ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C
All I开发者_JS百科 am trying to do is bind a public property to a textBlock. What am I doing wrong here?
I am able to read private key from PFX file but not public key. I am using following code to read public key.
The whole point is designing a simple system where users are able to send encrypted messages between them (with support from a server).