I am trying create a sweave report that contains some graphics done with ggplot2. Though I am looking for some environment for the long run – I just use a simple .Rnw file here that only contains the
I\'m trying to use Sweave to generate a statistical report, and am trying to put a caption on an xtable, however if I include the percent symbol this breaks things.
I am very new to LaTex and R, but I am learning on a daily basis.I really am getting into using Eclipse and want to join the party and start automating my work using Sweave; I am excited for the prosp
I\'m using GNU/Linux distro (Arch, if that\'s relevant), Emacs v23.2.1, ESS v5.9 and AucTeX v11.86. I want to setup AucTeX to recognize .Rnw files, so I can run LaTeX on .Rnw files with C-c C-c and g
When editing an Rnw file in Emacs, I often want to make the region cover a chunk of text that contains an R chunk. For a simple example:
I want to have a sweave document that will include a variable number of tables in.I thought the example below would work, but it doesn\'t.I want to loop over the list foo and print each element as it\
I have a big Sweave file with a variable called \"specialty\" near the top. The rest of this file is Latex and R, and uses this variable.
I have a dataframe that I am putting into a sweave document using xtable, however one of my column names is quite long, and I would like to break it over two lines to save space
I\'m having a b开发者_如何学Cit of a problem programming R for Sweave, and the #rstats twitter group often points here, so I thought I\'d put this question to the SO crowd. I\'m an analyst- not a prog
I have a scientific paper under review, and a referee asked for my R code to be provided as a Sweave document. I\'ve never heard of Sweave开发者_如何学运维 before, do you know what\'s the better way t