HI, We are a small TDD team. We have a LCD screen mounted on the wall which we would like to have display the status of our builds together with current code coverage.
I\'m using Hudson to continuously build a Python project. Unit tests and code coverage work great, but this message appears when drilling into the Cobertura Coverage Report for my files that are not u
Unfortunately, Devel::Cover does not yet work with threads. It doesn\'t work with prefork either. Being use\'d in startup.pl, Devel::Cover issues
Here\'s my controller: class MyController < ApplicationController include MyHelper def index get_list_from_params do |list|
I\'m looking for a tool that can give me more meaningful metrics about code coverage for my team.For instance, two things I\'d like to see:
I\'m using Hudson to build a Java project w/ Maven. The project includes two different sets of unit tests: (1) a plain-old Surefire plugin execution that includes unit & database integration tests
I completed this tutorial from Joe Heck to set up Hudson for Python. Everything worked perfectly except the Coverage section.My build failed with this output:
I run the code coverage target: <junit fork=\"yes\" dir=\"${basedir}\" failureProperty=\"test.failed\">
I am relatively new to unit testing and was attempting to add some code coverage to my unit tests. Yet i can\'t find the code coverage tab in Visual Studio 2008 in the localtestrun.testrunconfig, is t
We have a tradtional layering architecture with business layer, service layer, model layer, etc. We have unit tests which test at least part of every production code assembly. I can see that they exec