i need a regex for: 123,456,789,123,4444,... basically comma separated values. The INT part can be 1-4 numbers long, followed by a comma...always in this form...
Say $d is a directory path and I want to ensure that it starts and ends with exactly one slash (/). It may initially have zero, one or more leading and/or trailing slashes.
I want to know how this ambiguous pattern is solved in perl(more generally everything that use libpcre):
PCRE has a feature called recursive pattern, which can be used to match nested subgroups. For example, consider the "grammar"
How can i count the number of words between two words? $txt = \"tükörfúrógép banana orange lime, tükörfúrógép cherry árvíztűrő orange lyon
Can some please help me to rewrite these code: if (eregi($asked,$accepted)) { $this->plot_type = $which_pt;
Consider the two following regular expression snippets and dummy HTML that it should be matching: Apparently, I can only post one link until I get more reputation, so the link below contains the thre
I need to replace a word with another word. But $var= str_replace($linklabel[$k], $linklabelmod[$k], $var);
I\'m writing this quick script to extract chatroom names from the source of a webpage. I\'m grabbing the data with fopen() and fgets() and that all returns fine.
I\'d like to create a (PCRE) regular expression to match all commonly used numbered lists, and I\'d like to share my thoughts and gather input on way to do this.