I have to build a .Net application that consumes a bunch of web service. This web service runs under weblogic. The WSDL of the web services mention a XSD file that describes the types.
I need to create a wsdl without the extras xsd files as external files, but have them all inside a single file. I need this because they will be imported by Delphi\'s WSDL importer, that is quite out-
Here is my dilemma, the svcutil command still generates Order Named parameter for complex content who are marked as xsd:all.
I\'m trying to generate a proxy in the Presentation layer from the Business Layer service.. My problem is I\'ve two classes with the same name being exposed, though in different namespaces.
I need to create a proxy class so i can communicate with a Java web service (which i have no control over).
I am creating a set of Web Services which share some common xml defined data elements. I want to separate these entities into a common schema, service 1 specific schema, service 2 specific schema etc.
Scenario: I am writing a WCF client to access a Java/Metro webservice which requires authentication through a token obtained from an STS (also Java/Metro). The relevant policy snippet from the service
I\'m using svcutil to generate proxy code for the following web service endpoint which follows the OGC CSW 2.0.2 (07-006r1) standard for catalog services.
I have a declared element \"RecordRefSet\" in the basetypes XSD; it is a container element for \"RecordRef\" elements. The \"RecordRefSet\" element is referenced in various places in a set of WSDL.
Using svcutil, I\'m trying to generate a proxy class for a web service endpoint which follows the OGC CSW 2.0.2 (07-006r1) standard for catalog services.