I\'m creating some code that will find a space between characters, and use the characters before the space and the ones after it. These characters are stored in a NSString. Here is what I have so far,
I wrote a sm开发者_如何学JAVAall WSGI App: def foo(environ, start_response): bar = \'Your request is %s\' % environ[\'PATH_INFO\']
target: dependencies command1 command2 On my system (Mac OS X), make seems to require that that Makefiles have a tab character preceding the the content of each command line, or it throws a syntax e
This question already has answers here: How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable? (15 answers) Closed 2 years ago.
Following on from link text, I\'ve also got problems with file paths that contain spaces.I wa开发者_如何转开发s told to simply enclose the full path in quotes, and that should work, but I keep getting
I have a project on Lazarus that I want to compile a source using gcc, for this I ha开发者_高级运维ve a TOpenDialog called OpenDialog1 and a TProcess called AProcess.
I have a very annoying problem with LINQ and MS SQL Server. Im currently making some software in WPF C# and use LINQ to generate classes from the data in the database.
I am trying to pass a full file path to FFMPEG. C:\\TestFolder\\Input\\Friends - Season 6 - Gag Reel.avi
I like to display 4 spaces as tab in eclipse, with an actual width on the screen of 2 spaces. When I save the file, I\'d like to have 4 spaces (r开发者_如何学Goepresented as «.») for a tab:
Working on an application that contains legacy Carbon code (mixed with some Cocoa). It is a full screen app (not technically, it just draws itself as though it were) that hides the dock and applicatio