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In certain scenario like a MVVM view-model, I sometimes needs to have private setter as the view-model exposes a state that can only be modified internally.
I have multiple BIRT reports that obtains the data from the same jdbc data source. Is it possible to obtain the conection parameters (Driver URL, User Name, and Password) from an external property fi
Is it possible to store pointers to objects in boost property trees, and then use an iterator to retrieve the data? I\'m trying to do something like:
I was wondering what is the correct way to write synthesised properties for primitive data types (like bool) when ARC is enabled.
I have several c# structs that give shape to structures in a very large data file.These structs interpret bits in the file\'s data words, and convert them to first-class properties. Here is an example
I want to filter Trace Listener based on Severity like Warning,Error etc. Means if write below listener in the configuration file and add new property \"severityFilter\" then this listener will catch
I have multiple BIRT reports that obtains the data from the same jdbc data source. Is it possible to obtain the conection parameters (Driver URL, User Name, and Password) from an external property fil
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I’d like to declare a public immutable property: @interface Foo @property(strong, readonly) NSSet *items;