I have a routine written in CoffeeScript, running in node.js that reads lines from a Jade-file. It looks like this:
I\'m writing a project in C++/Qt and it is able to connect to any type of SQL database supported by the QtSQL (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qtsql.html). This includes local servers and external ones
I\'m creating a bunch of model objects that refer to each other, like so: 开发者_如何学Golink = DirectorsIndividual(company = co,
I need to find a way how to clear the data which my application stores in cache.Basically I am using Fedor\'s ( Lazy load of images in ListView ) lazy list implementation and I want to clear the cache
So, I\'ve recently converted from Mathematica to Matlab, and while Matlab has most of Mathematica\'s useful features, I can\'t figure out how to perform the equivalent of Mathematica\'s del开发者_开发
I\'m trying to execute a Django query: #att.name is a string kwargs = {att.name : F(\'node__product__\' + att.name) }
In Mathematica, I\'d like to do something along the lines of: f[Rational[a_, b_], Rational[c_, d_]] := {a+c, b+d}
How can I watch variable values inside of javascript eval() method? And is it po开发者_如何学Gossible to \"step into\" and \"step over\" in eval method? For example, with a code like this:
I read this What is the difference between Lazy Loading and Load()thread to understand difference between using Load meth开发者_如何学运维od and Lazy loading in entity framework. But in that example u
Suppose you\'re writing a program that searches an exponentially large or infinite space: gameplaying, theorem proving, optimization etc, anything where you can\'t search the entire space, and the qua