I\'m using the code below to open and upload a Facebook profile image to S3 using Paperclip. The code works fine on my localhost (Rails 3.1, ruby 1.9.2 p290) but it breaks on heroku (bamboo-mri-1.9.2)
Using Paperclip, I want to grab an image from a URL like this: require \'open-uri\' user.photo = open(url)
I was wondering if anyone has ever made something that would let a user change the cropping of an image\'s display on the fly?
I am using Paperclip to defined an attachment called badge, both on a child model and the parent model defined through a belongs_to.I want to override @instance.badge such that it returns the model\'s
I am using paperclip for attachments when i download file, it got corrupted. File is download-able at production
I use for upload my images Paperclip. I would like to ask you, if exist any gem or plugin for showing the preloader while the image is uploading (something like \"56开发者_如何转开发% loaded\").it doe
Working with the Paperclip gem and I want to change the dimensions for each style applied to an uploaded image differently depending on whether the image is in landscape or 开发者_开发知识库portrait o
Through this gist script I can get default url for paperclip with user gender. But I want to get :style too. Someone know ho开发者_如何学JAVAw to?Default way of doing this:
I\'m trying to run the following spec describe \"POST create\" do describe \"with valid params\" do it \"redirects to the created banner\" do
Basically my controller is just grabbing all members: @members = Memb开发者_JAVA技巧er.all and Im looping through them while checking to see if they have a profile picture uploaded and if not then the