Can you suggest simpler and clearer way to write this function? let cartesian_product sequences = let step acc sequence = seq {
I have a postgres database that uses sequences extensively to generate primary keys of tables. After a lot of usage of this database i.e. Adding/Update/Delete operation the columns that uses sequences
I assumed sequence types in Python were value types. It turns out they\'re reference types (Meaning that the value of a variable won\'t be copied when assigned to a new variable, but ref开发者_StackOv
dashboard.Grid |> Seq.mapi ^-^ fun y sx -> sx|> Seq.mapi ^-^ fun x s -> if not <| s.IsEmpty && s.CellState.Color = color then
I have to code a function that receives a sequence (finite or infinite) and returns an identical sequencewith the only difference that if an exception occurs during the sequence then the function ret
Lets say I have a table like this. A | B ----- 1 | 4 7 | 8 1 | 3 1 | 2 4 | 5 3 | 5 2 | 5 7 | 8 Even though 1 is the most common value in column A and 5 is the most common value in column B (which c
Is there a way to search and retrieve the results from On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences ( programmatically?
UPDATE: I wrote a Sequence property type for DataMapper in the end.Take and use at your own risk ;)
If I have two arrays.For example, One array is int[] one={1,2,4,6,54,3,34}; the other is int[] two={12,1,2,4,7,8,54,3,34,5};
can some one pls tell me how to get the \'schema name\' for a particular \'sequen开发者_JS百科ce\' using jdbcI assume you are using Oracle DB.