I tried the following, all of which fail on function ScrollIntoView and give a NullRefer开发者_StackOverflow中文版enceException:
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Trying to figure out how to use EventToCommand to set a datagrid double click handler for rows.The command lives in the viewmodel for each row.Just that much out of my experience, since I haven\'t use
I am using the VisualStateManager from the WPF Toolkit.I\'ve created a custom control, part of a reusable controls library, with numerous visual states.Now I want to allow the client of my library to
I prepare a WPF project, where I want to implement a more complex search. I use LINQ to entities through the ADO.NET Entity model and plan to do the display in WPFToolkit DataGrid.
I am new to WPF and the ScrollViewer is frustrating me.Either I just don\'t \"get\" it, or it is a limited control.
I was wondering if anyone could point me into the right direction with DataGrids. I\'m trying to position the new row at the top of the grid
The following WPF code displays the contents of FirstName and ZipCode in the WPF Toolkit DataGrid. However, I don\'t want to just display the data as it is but slightly modified, e.g. I might want to
I have 3 tables: Item - which is the DataContext - it has a navigation column Group Group - has a navigation column Category.
I\'m using the WPF toolkit datagrid, and I\'d like to set the background color of a cell, not the row, based on the content of the cell.