I am using the delayed_jobs gem but using it against 2 queues.I have mapped my models against the correct queues (dbs) to establish correct connections.
I don\'t mean multiple processes, I mean separate instances. I think. I may be going about this the wrong way.
I have a situation where I need to have delayed_job use a custom backend开发者_StackOverflow中文版 on a separate DB/table.
I am using delayed_job to run background processes.It works fine but then suddenly fails a job f开发者_C百科or no apparent reason (the job suddenly disappears from the jobs queue).There is nothing pri
I have my transactional email system setup & by default people get emails as events happen: class Comment
I have a rails app where a user can submit a form and it goes off and connects to a remote server via ssh to call a script. Eventually I plan to use delayed_job or something like that but I can\'t get
I have this in my initializer: Delayed::Job.const_set( \"MAX_ATTEMPTS\", 1 ) However, my jobs are still re-running after failure, seemingly completely ignoring this setting.
I have a pending transaction between two Accounts, and after a preset date, if nothing happens, t开发者_运维问答hen the transaction should be automatically expired. (I need this expiration to happen i
This method works OK, but if I add delayed_job\'s handle_asychronously, I get can\'t convert nil into String:
Is there a parameter I can pass to delayed_job that will prevent it from deleting completed jobs from the delayed_jobs table?