I am new to cakePHP And I am having a problem getting it working while using WAMP. I have already copied cakephp folders/files into WAMP\'s www folder and DocumetRoot \"C:\\wamp\\www\\cakephp\\app\\w
I\'m getting strange characters in my fresh local WAMP installation. I\'ve just downloaded all .php files from ftp online and restore开发者_如何转开发d a backup on my local mysql server. The problem o
I\'m using WampServer 2.1 on Windows 7 SP1 and I\'m not being able to set up MySQL to use InnoDB tables.
I keep receiving this error (from the apache log) and I cannot get the php_mongo.dll module loaded with the 32bit versions of both mongo and wamp.
Closed. This question is off-to开发者_运维百科pic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow.
I spent a lot of time setting up a local testing server today, and after trying to install a bunch of stuff manually I finally decided to just use WampServer, which seems great.
So I posted this! yesterday and got a perfect answer, which required runn开发者_运维百科ing this code first:ALTER TABLE mytable AUTO_INCREMENT=10000001;
When referring to this post here: http://net.tu开发者_高级运维tsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/start-using-html5-websockets-today/
Debugging a website not working under IE (my previous post, the post for the very specific problem) (but working under Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and SeaMonkey) I\'ve noticed that my website works
I have a problem with WAMP server (2.1); I have some php files that contain php statements between <? statements ?>