I\'ve been asked how to find out how much memory and CPU my program is using, and I\'ve been referred to Performance Counters.However, when I look at the documentation it starts off by telling me abou
In a PowerShell script I am trying to get the number of page faults per second with this command: (Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_memory).PageFaultsPersec
I\'m trying to make my C# application multi threaded because sometimes, I get an exception that says I have made a call to a thread in an unsafe manner. I\'ve never done any multi-threading before in
I\'m trying to program in a performance counter into my C# application that launches another process 开发者_运维问答and checks the processor usage of that launched process. As I understand it, the per
I am looking into Performance issues of an Asp.Net 2.0 Web Site which uses a WCF service. On the Web and the WCF Host Service I am adding some Perf Counters to analyse the application behaviour. What
I am suffering from an \"Out of memory\" exception in my Windows Service after running it for few hours under huge workload.
I\'m writing a game engine开发者_运维知识库 and I need a way to get a precise and accurate \"deltatime\" value from which to derive the current FPS for debug and also to limit the framerate (this is i
I am building a .NET windows service which is using an unmanaged C++ dll. both of my service and the c++ dll are using multi threading.
PerformanceCounter cpuload = new PerformanceCounter(); cpuload.CategoryName = \"Processor\"; cpuloa开发者_如何学JAVAd.CounterName = \"% Processor Time\";
I am trying to do some performance measurements using Intels RDTSC, and it is quite odd the variations I get during differen开发者_如何学编程t testruns. In most cases my benchmark in C