Given an expression \'(lambda (x) x) How can I translate this into a string. I thought symbol->string will do the job but no it cant not a sy开发者_开发百科mbol.
Preferably a site that has macros searchable by Visu开发者_高级运维al Studio version.Well, the web\'s top Visual Studio project site is You\'ll find lots of macros there.
From assert.h file in C: #define assert(expr)(__ASSERT_VOID_CAS开发者_如何学运维T (0)) I wonder what is (__ASSERT_VOID_CAST (0))? I try to find its implementation but could not find anywhere. Well,
Is there a __CLASS__ macro in C++ which gives the clas开发者_运维百科s name similar to __FUNCTION__ macro which gives the function nameThe problem with using typeid(*this).name() is that there is no t
Suppose I want a function that takes a number and returns it as a string, exactly as it was given. The following doesn\'t work:
How can I do the following in a compliant (ISO C99) way? #define MALLOC(type, length, message) ({\\ type * a_##__LINE__ = (type *)malloc((length) * sizeo开发者_运维技巧f(type));\\
Pimpl\'s are a source of boilerplate in a lot of C++ code. They seem like the kind of thing that a combination of macros, templates, and maybe a little external tool help could solve, but I\'m not sur
I am using GLib\'s doubly linked list structure, GList. I would like to know if there is any standard macro for iterating over a GList. I couldn\'t find any such thing in the GLib documentation. As a
I\'m bewildered by all the built-in Mathematica functions that purport to prevent evaluation in some way: Unevaluated, Defer, Hold, and over half a dozen of the form Hold*.The Mathematica documentatio
I want to create a C macro that creates a function with a name based on the line number. I thought I could do something like (the real function would have statements within the braces):