I am using both the JUCE Library and a number of Boost headers in my code.Juce defines \"T\" as a macro (groan), and Boost often uses \"T\" in it\'s template definitions.The result is that if you some
I\'m trying to do something that is conceptually similar to this, but can\'t seem to get it to work (error shown at end) any ideas?
im trying to make a automated tool for poulating textboxes with usernames for a dispatcher application at work.
have hunted around for an answer to this one, but can\'t seem to find a definitive solution - hoping someone can help here!
I am working on a couple of macros and whenever I am insterting text the Auto-Complete functionality is running and causing problems.
I\'m thinking about best way to write C define processor that would be able to handle macros. Unfortunately nothing intelligent comes to my mind.
Why would a developer use a macro? What are the advantages and disadvantages to using them? Where can I find some resources about an开发者_如何转开发d how to use they?
I am just curious on how people solve this. I often write the same type of code all the time. For instance:
I\'m currently reading Coders at Work, and I\'m at the chapter interviewing Brendan Eich. It\'s a little dense compared to the preceding chapters, to say the least. Around page 144, he talks about add
I know there is a way to list mappings via :map (or :imap, :cmap, etc.), but I can\'t find a way to list macros I have stored in my vimrc file (as in let @a = \'blahblah\').