#define TYPE char * if TYPE is char * do A if TYPE is int do B 开发者_Python百科 Is there an example how to do such things?C preprocessor MACROS manipulate text, so are essentially typeless, so NO y
In Eclipse you can press Cntrl + Shift + O and all of the necessary includes will be added to your file automatically.Is there 开发者_开发问答anything similar to this in XCode?No, there isn\'t. You ha
A mac开发者_开发问答ro is a preprocessor right. Sometimes we set things right sometimes we don\'t.
#include <iostream> v开发者_StackOverflow社区oid LOG_TRACE() { std::cout << \"reach here\"; }
Is it possible to define a macro off of the content of a macro? For example: #define SET(key,开发者_如何学JAVAvalue) #define key value
I have a text file with some sample content as shown here:开发者_JAVA百科 Sno = 1p Sno = 2p Sno = 3p
I use macros to generate classes in the following way: generator.h: class CLASS_NAME : public parent { //generate variables with names given by CLASS_VARIABLES using complicated
I am trying to remap Left Alt to Left Win and Left Win to Left Alt in AutoHotKey. But I also want to have Shift + F11 to toggle these two remaps.
#define mySynthesize(op) @synthesize op = _op; So rather than typing @synthesize someVar=_someVar; @synthesize otherVar=_otherVar;
I\'ve used the following macro in C: #definetest_bit(_n,_p)!! ( _n & ( 1u << _p)) I\'ve studied the macro but I need to determine the use of the double negative in the macro, and how it b