i installed gtk using homebrew brew install gtk brew info gtk gtk+ 2.20.1 http://www.gtk.org/ Depends on: pkg-config, glib, jpeg, libtiff, pango, jasper, atk
I try to switch to Homebrew (after using fink and macport) on Mac OS X 10.6.2. I have installed python 2.7 with 开发者_如何学Python
I开发者_如何转开发deally, I would like to install pygtk using pip or Homebrew. Neither one seems to be possible.
Is there anything wrong with this (User model, line 95): scope :by_recent, where(\'created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?\', 1.month.ago, Time.now).order(\'created_at desc\').
I have a custom Apache initializer开发者_如何转开发s in order to have my Homebrew binaries accessible:
I\'m trying to deploy an application using macdeployqt. All Qt frameworks get copied correctly into the application bundle. The problem I encounter is that macdeployqt does not have write permissions
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I installed a package with homebrew (qt). I\'d like to modify the source code and rebuild the package. I can\'t seem to find the source code, though. brew --cache returns a directory that doesn\'t exi
Attempting to install rvm and ruby 1.9.2 I already installed homebrew and git, but couldn\'t get complete updates 开发者_运维技巧because I kept getting permission errors. Re-installed Snow Leopard and
Homebrew seems to be a really powerful package manager for osx, and the amount of available formulas is really convenient, but I can\'t understand something : Why isn\'t there any PHP formula for home