I tried to educate myself about optimizing python and potentially parallelizing my problem. The links I used are listed at my question posted over at http://www.python-forum.org/pythonforum/viewtopic.
I have a GUI application that needs to fetch and parse diverse resources from network beside the GUI main loop.
Is there any place where I can have a look at examples which perform pySerial operations in a multiprocessing environment in Python?
Well, they\'re not supposed to crash, but they do anyway. Is there a way to get multiprocessing.Pool, or any other multiprocessing tool to re-start a process that dies? How would I do this otherwise?
I have two processes (see sample code) that each attempt to access a threading.local object. I would expect the below code to print \"a\" and \"b\" (in either order). Instead, I get \"a\" and \"a\". H
I\'m using a 2 processes Pool to parallel parse several log files, po = Pool(processes=2) pool_object = po.apply_async(log_parse, (hostgroup_sender_dir, hostname, host_depot_dir,synced_log, prev_last
i would like to assign new values to the list i pass to my functions. At the case of get_p_values it works fine, but at `read_occupation\' not (I get as an output: [[0], [0], [0], [0]] instead of [[1,
I just read a MSDN article, \"Synchronization and Multiprocessor Issues\", that addresses memory cache consistency issues on multiprocessor machines.This was really eye opening to me, because I would
So I\'ve been messing around with python\'s multiprocessing lib for the last few days and I really like the processing pool. It\'s easy to implement and I can visualize a lot of uses. I\'ve done a cou
I researched first and couldn\'t find an answer to my question. I am trying to run multiple functions in parallel in Python.