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I am using mechanize to interact with a website. The website is a search engine with different channels such as knowledge, book, journal and newspaper. Some of the code like this:
My application currently reads data by copying filesystem tree from remote machine via shared disk, so it works as filesystem deep copy from application\'s point of view.
I am writing a image scraper using Pycurl by sending forged requests which is the same with the results by the http analyzer to the website server. Using the http analyzer
Can anybody please direct me towards any examples/guides that demosn开发者_C百科trates NCrawler usage, i looked into NCrawler Codeplex page but couldn\'t find any detailed examples.
Is this a good idea??开发者_运维知识库m.asp?RobotsTXT What does abusive crawling mean? How is that bad for my site?Not really. Most \"bad bots\" ignore the robo
I was wondering whether the small tag indicates to crawlers that its content isn\'t relevant and so it wil开发者_如何学Cl be skipped and not indexed.This is dependent on the crawler implementation.
In an URL scheme, is it in any way disadvantageous if a directory and a file have the same name? I provide an example to illustrate what I mean:
I\'m using nutch-1.2 but not able to restrict my config file to crawl only given urls my crawl-urlfilter.txt file is
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, a