I am making a Facebook App which will be only used开发者_如何学Python for Facebook Pages. I need to provide a post-authorize URL to make some action on Database when a user adds the app to their page.
I\'m trying to prepare alternative contet for facebook sharing. Site is based on flash player (flash is required to enter site) so facebook share shows only:
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/changelog/ Facebook respond with this in their latest changelog: *publish_action permissions will not be granted if there are no timeline units to be rendered. (
I\'ve been struggeling with the facebook connect for a few days now, I\'m only using the PHP SDK downloaded from facebook.
I have the Action \"completed\" for the Object \"race\" setup like this: Past: John Doe completed Example Race
I am testing our 开发者_如何学JAVAweb application on OPera Mobile. We have a signIn through facebook link. It takes me to the login page, but after I enter my ID and password nothing happens. If I cli
I see here that you can now upload videos: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/515/#video_upload But I don\'t see any mention of it in the PHP SDK on github, or any examples... Is it not added t
My application used to work as custom tab on FB page, but currently it doesn\'t load when I click on tab, there is even no request to my server. Application itself is ok, I checked both secure and non
This may be incredibly simple but I can\'t seem to find anything on it after searching for a couple of hours. I\'ve added a FB comments plugin to a website, to be used as a page tab and everything开发
I integrated facebook in my app. The errors i getting in in two cases: when facebook.apk is installed in emulator.