I\'m not sure if this is the right thing to do, I\'m sure someone will tell me if it\'s not. I asked a question (Entity Framework - Include in sub query?) earlier this evening, which was answered ver
I\'ve found that when using the <!-- include file=\"MyPage.aspx\" --> command in ASP, I\'m not able to use the code-behind in MyPage.aspx.
Hey so I\'ve got the situation where I\'m pulling a client back from the database and including all the case studies with it by way of an include
Does anybody know of an automated way of telling whether a PHP script is being called directly (as a HTML page), or as a JavaScript, or as a CSS Stylesheet?
While browsing the code of some websites I sometimes notice that some JavaScript files are 开发者_如何学Cincluded like this:
I\'m using the query below: public IEnumerable<QUESTIONARIO_BASE> L开发者_如何学运维istQuestionario()
This question already has answers here: Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes
This should work, so I\'m really perplexed about why it\'s not working. I\'m checking to see if a user is logged in using a $session class method at the top of each admin page. However, I want to dyn
My website\'s pages are (or will) all be identical, except for the content of the #main div. So I was thinking in the <head> I could do <?php $page = \"home.html\"?>, where home.html is th
In my live site I have php include() and require() that have full path such as: /www/mysite.com/webapps/mmh/head.php o开发者_StackOverflow中文版r /www/mysite.com/webapps/ROOT/zip/BoundaryWizard.php