I would like to bind the << stream operator: for_each(begin, end, boost::bind(&operator<<, stream, _1));
This is what happens when I create an NSProgressIndicator and use NSStatusItem\'s -setView: method to display it in the menubar area while I\'m performing an action:
我是王八蛋1111 2022-05-05 19:06 弗美尔《倒牛奶的女仆》 http://image.baidu.com/i?ct=503316480&z=0&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%B5%B9%C5%A3%C4%CC%B5%C4%C5%AE%C6%CD&in=21384&cl=2&cm=1&sc=0&lm=-
#include <string> struct S { std::string s_; std::string_view get() const & { return s_; } std::string_view get() const && = delete;