I want to pop up a dialog box that says \"Saving...\" and once the operation is completed, it simply disappears. While the saving is in progress, I dont want the user to be a开发者_Python百科ble to do
I want the simplest possible way to pop up simple dialogs in Python scripts.Ideally, the solution would:
is that possible to load another page with jquery u开发者_开发知识库i dialog ? Like Dialog + Ajax
I am writing a game for Facebook. IN the following code, I have a problem. I have a for loop executing, and in that loop, I call a dialog and implement \'onconfirm\' for the dialog. The problem is tha
Some \"Save as\" dialogs provide a default file开发者_StackOverflow中文版 name - how is it done?
Sorry for my bad English... Using Delphi 7 I want to create a开发者_开发知识库 dialog window to show that something is happening in my application when i have to run slow processes.
In a dialog, I resize some images and then force the window to sizeToContent. Then, I want the dialog to center itself to t开发者_开发知识库he screen.How can I do this? I also searched around and look
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time,or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally appl开
I am sometimes seeing an issue with Window.ShowDialog() where the window physically closes but does not return to the ShowDialog point in the code from where it was shown.
I\'m utilizing the jQuery UI Library to create an overlay. For simplicities sake, they live on the page (not being pulled in开发者_如何转开发 via an AJAX call) and are initialized via an onclick.