I have an SBT/Scala project and logback seems to work, but totally ignores my logback.xml config file.I have placed at src/main/scala/logback.xml. It doesn\'t do anything.
I have a red5 application using java language and I use logback for l开发者_JAVA技巧ogging. whenever a log is written using logback i want to send it to the message to the user. is there a way to som
I want to extend log开发者_如何学JAVAback to send logs with ERROR log levels to our internal logging service (with http post and some custom parameters).
I\'m trying to use an evaluator in logback. Therefor I have this snippet in my logback.xml <evaluator name=\"IS_INTERESTING\">
In my logback config file, I have the following appender that work : <appender name=\"thread_SIFT\" class=\"ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender\">
Is it possible to change the default table names for DBAppender in Logback and how can I do it ? P.S. Browsing the sources I found that DBAppender uses the DBNameResolver interface for getting table
We currently generically log all XML documents coming in and going out of our system, and some of them contain passwords in the clear. We would like to be able to configure the logback logg开发者_运维
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We are using SLF4J+Logback combination at our project for a while now and are quite happy with it, but our logging strategy is fairly simple, using straightforward class based 开发者_运维百科loggers a
How can I configure Spring Roo to replace Log4j 开发者_JAVA技巧with SLF4J and Logback as the default logging libraries?This JIRA issue would seem to suggest that this is not yet possible.