I have a string, that is in the following format: [Season] [Year] [Vendor] [Geography] so an example might be: Spring 2009 Nielsen MSA
I\'m working with graphing accelerometer data here, and I\'m trying to correct for gravity. To do this, I get the acceleration vector in spherical coordinates, decrease the radius by 1g, and convert b
I am currrently making queries to my SQL Server using SQLCMD and I run this from PHPs exec() function. I was hoping to clarify that this isn\'t as efficient as the driver for SQL Server for PHP: http:
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing
I\'ve been reading an article about caching images in iPhone OS, and they pointed out this code snippet:
After working with different data sets in SAS for a month or two, it seems to me that the more variables a data set has, the more time it takes to run PROCs and other operations on the data set.Yet if
I\'m developing a grid with excel-like functionality using the telerik controls. For example users can click on a cell and the cell turns into an input control for editing. Users can tab to move onto
I\'ve found a number of resources that talk about tuning the database server, but I haven\'t found much on the tuning of the individual queries.
READ FIRST before answering! I have a RESTful service which wraps around the Entity Framework. Basically, all I did was create a database, add relations between the tables, create an Entity model aro
I\'ve done some web-based projects, and most of the difficulties I\'ve met with (questions, confusions) could be figured out with help. But I still have an important question, even after asking some e