So, a method that alters its object is a mutator. A method that does not alter its object but returns a value (or reference to a value) is a getter. Is there a widely used name for a method that does
I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application and am using Ninject for injecting dependencies into my classes. Actions on the Controllers pass ViewModels (that do not contain logic) to the view layer.
I am NEW in MVC3 and designing a web based application and kind of in learning phase. I am building a project where I need to show a list of customers in a web grid.
Well, seems I\'ve made the wrong question on this and will try again in a different way since nobody got interested on helping me.
I have a class, Mouse, than handles mouse events.It consists of a number of static functions for simple \"where is it, etc\" calls, but it also has a few non-static members, namely some event-handling
For clarity consider a fairly standard \"User registration\" functionality: My ORM (Propel) allows you to alter the class ormUser, which extends the ormUserBase, in order to introduce custom function
I have a bunch of classes with a unique set of methods. class1 { method1(dbconn, args...); method2(dbconn, args...);
Users of our system are able to submit un-validated contact data. For example: Forename: null Surname: 231
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. 开发者_JS百科 Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations
I have got this problem: Find the first element in a list, for which a given condition holds. Unfortunately, the list is quite long (100.000 elements), and evaluation the condition for each eleme