Ok this might be a bit of hack but bear with me :)The background is that i\'m tired of methods that that some if-statement to that messes up indention for the whole method, like:
I am planning to work in TRIE data structure for which I need a dictionary database or a text 开发者_C百科or word file containing the entire list of english words. It doesnt matter if the size is huge
I want to create an incrementing secon开发者_Go百科d timer like a stopwatch. So I want to be able to display the seconds and minutes incrementing in the format 00:01...
User preferences for my app is store in NSUserDefaults. This includes a \"theme\" preference, which needs to be accessed frequently by multiple classes. I would prefer not to call \"[[NSUserDefaults s
最近有没有看热门韩剧《虽然是精神病但没关系》? 从部队回来的金秀贤在精神病院扮演护士的角色。从小他就被灌输要照顾患有自闭症的弟弟。他的生活几乎总是围绕着哥哥,他压抑了自己很久。
[乔贝尔菲奥:微软办公室没有忘记WP] 微软操作系统部副总裁JoeBelfiore(中文名:乔北峰)在新浪微博发布声明,承诺微软Office团队没有忘记WindowsPhone的用户,微软只是想在春节前将消息和声明同时公之于众,分享计
HI, I want to have set configuration settings for a unit test project that is only relative for one machine ( i.e build machine). So for e.g. is the unit test project is being comp开发者_开发知识库ile