张爱玲说,女人到了30岁,心会怦怦直跳。 于是,一部在上海拍摄的,展现三个30岁女性承受职场和生活多重压力的都市情感剧《三十而已》成为爆款。连续一周多天天上热搜榜,豆瓣评分高达8.2;另一方面,湖南卫视《乘
三十,你想说什么? 最近的国产剧《三十而已》让“女人三十”的话题更加火热。剧中,和丈夫一起创办公司的贤妻良母背井离乡到上海追梦,而被父母天天催着回家相亲结婚的外地人,则是一个小透明钟上海人,嫁给了外
I\'m using texture-based DOT3 lighting to achieve bump mapping on older iPhones, and I\'m wondering if there\'s a sneaky way to make it look correct even when the viewpoint changes.
I need to calculate how much time has passed from one state to another in Silverlight 3.0. it is most common to do:
Mr.Sandman 2022-06-17 17:51 自驾游,是现在越来越多的朋友出行选择的交通工具。约上几个朋友和家人,一起驾车走到陌生的城市,潇潇洒洒的过了一段时间,真是美滋滋的。祖国有很多的大好河山,有泰山的雄伟、有
This is my scenario: I need to save 50 lines of text and access each line of text after my applications launches.That is, for a change in a control paramenter the text displayed on the iPhone should c
I am using System.Web.Routing with ASP.NET (3.5) Web Forms that will URL rewrite the following URL from
I am trying to create a mod in udk by adding jetpacks, so I need the players to jump v开发者_开发技巧ery high, I can\'t figure out how to do this in unreal script. Can someone explain how to do this o