I have changed Android kernel settings and re-built it. I was trying to replace the original kernel installed on my device(Galaxy Tab 7.0) to the new kernel I built.
I use the following module code to hooks syscall, (code credited to someone else, e.g., Linux Kernel: System call hooking example).
I have a requirement where I want to associate an index with a file(in 开发者_开发技巧a certain format). I was wondering if I can do any ELF manipulation and still ensure that, consistency is maintain
How come the Windows DDK samples do n开发者_运维技巧ot deal with being paged out? Are they non-pageable?Pageable code is marked with #pragma code_seg(\"PAGE\"). That\'s why the drivers are not dealing
I am currently a student at a university studying a computing related degree and my current project is focusing on finding vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel. My aim is to both statically audit as we
My understanding is that Windows is non-deterministic and can be trouble when using it fordata acquisition.Using a 32bit bus, and dual core, is it possible to use inline asm to work with interrupts in
I am working on inherent kernel functionality for file encryption and decryptio开发者_开发技巧n ; directory name with some predefined prefix will be automatically be encrypted. Now I am stucked to sto
Where in the line of code which alternates between virtual address spaces (vas) in the Linux kernel? I know Linux describes the vas with struct mm_struct, but can\'t find the开发者_开发知识库 actual c
I am developing a kernel in C++. But I do not want to write a stdl开发者_JAVA百科ib; for that purpose I have downloaded STLport http://www.stlport.org/, but I don\'t know how to install and use it.
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