目录0. 前言1. 常见的重复提交订单的场景2. 防止订单重复提交的解决方案2.1 前端(禁用按钮)2.2 后端3. 在SpringBoot项目中利用Redis实现防止订单重复提交3.1 引入依赖3.2 编写配置文件3.3 OrderService.Java3.4 Or
目录1 前言2 搭建Redis的服务Api3 自定义注解AutoIdempotent4 token创建和检验5 拦截器的配置6 测试用例7 总结1 前言
I am building a LOB application that has a main section and a TabControl with various TabItems in it. On hitting save the idea is that any fields in error are highlighted and the first field in error