根据国外科技媒体 borncity 报道,微软在今年 12 月 12 日补丁星期二活动日中发布累积更新,用户反馈安装后,跳出 0x8007000D 错误。
微软在 2023 年的最后 1 个补丁星期二活动日中,在面向 Win11 系统发布 KB5033375 之外,也面向 Win10 系统,发布了 KB5033372 累积更新,用户安装后版本号升至 Builds 19044.3803 和 1904
I am running a small inotify script that sets up a watch on a file. Each time that file is edited and saved, the script notices that a DELETE_SELF event is triggered. Is that normal and if it is why?